
Take the right decisions

Business Services

leaves and trees is specialized in legal advises & compliance services all around immigration law, corporate law and employment law. Our main focus is business immigration and advising entrepreneurs, businessmen and companies starting their business in Germany.

For any questions all about running your business in Germany, leaves and trees can help with its business solutions services in order to make your entry onto the German market smoothly and successful.

Business Solutions

Setting-up a new company in Germany is a challenging step, especially if you are new on the German market. Besides of the legal aspects which need to be considered, planned and be done, you will reach the point to take further considerations ranging outside of regular legal aspects.

Such considerations can be a kind of support & help and / or guidelines for your planned immigration to Germany.


Possible Questions:
  • Where in Germany we should start our business?
  • How is the infrastructure in that region?
  • How are the local taxes in that region?
  • What is the average rent for private housing and for my business?
  • How is the welcome culture of the local authorities?
  • What about international schools for our childrens?
  • What about job opportunities for accompanying spouses?
  • How can we found skilled local workers?
  • How can we open a German bank account?
  • Do we need to register our German living address?
  • How can we use our driver's licences in Germany?


Get your initial assessment, including:
1. Assessment (Is your request feasible)
2. Roadmap (what to do next)
3. Offer (our services for you)
4. Fees (what does it cost)

Get your initial assessment now.
