Other immigration services

Tourist purposes

leaves and trees can help with your application for getting a tourist visa for Germany.

Some nationalities do not require a visa for Germany if you only come for tourist purpose and for up to 90 days within a period of 180 days. leaves and trees can advise if you need a visa or not. leaves and trees also advice what to do if you exceed the 90-days regulation.

Sportspeople & Sportsteams
You are a sportsman / sportswoman and want to join a sports event in Germany? You are a sportsteam and want to join a sports event in Germany? leaves and trees can help you organizing getting all respective visa and permits.

Film business & artists
You are a film team and wish to make film recordings in Germany? leaves and trees will help getting all necessary information, permits, visas etc. for the artists and the other film team members.

Au pair, work-and-travel
You wish to spent time in Germany as an au-pair? Or do you wish to work-and-travel? leaves and trees can help getting a German visa and residence permit for these purposes.

School, university, language course

If you wish to visit school in Germany, the university or a German language course, leaves and trees can help getting a German visa and residence permit

EU free movement

All EU citizen generally are allowed to travel, stay and work in Germany. However, besides of this rights EU citizen need to file some notification within the German authorities.

leaves and trees can give quick help for the filing of these notifications on a short notice.

... and more

Immigration law is a wide field. Sometimes it is not easy to categorize the immigration questions into one of the categories listed here. Furthermore, there a plenty further situation where immigration requirements are necessary.

leaves and trees offers many services about German immigration law. Get in contact and we will help.


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1. Assessment (Is your request feasible)
2. Roadmap (what to do next)
3. Offer (our services for you)
4. Fees (what does it cost)

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